I know that I'm supposed to be posting more about my wedding planning and occasionally putting in a house posting here and there... Between salmonella and trying to put my house in as tip-top order while undergoing some seriously messy projects, I've been doing not a whole lot of wedding planning... uh oh!
I have however made two awesome
slight impulse purchases. The first being, I ordered
these shoes from Target. I know that shoes from Target never last very long but I guess that that is what I was going for.
I have been wanting a pair of cowgirl boots but I haven't been able to commit to the purchase and these seem to be the perfect thing to test out. If I like the look and can swing the style maybe I'll commit to a more cowgirl-worthy pair.
Second, I have made a snap decision on an entryway light. I have been coveting the Globe Pendant lights from
West Elm since I found out about West Elm like two years ago (yes, I might have been living under a rock). I had wanted to do the three pendant lights together as pictured in the catalog and website for our dining/kitchen area but frankly, I don't know how to splice and dice wires and it seemed just a little bit risky and perhaps a little bit of a fire hazard in our 85 year old home. I settled on our entryway which I just repainted in Ecru from Benjamin Moore and I am SO EXCITED for it to arrive.

I don't know, maybe its a tad wee bit of a boring light but I love it. And I was as thrilled to know that BR loves them just as much and wanted to put one in the upstairs hallway as well. He also jumped on the lighting train and told me that the ceiling fan in our living room (ugly, brown and fake wood) has Got-To-Go ( I could have jumped out of my seat in complete adoration and smooch him on the cheeks that is how ecstatic I was). We're going to wait out the winter months to see if having a ceiling fan is useful, as the ceiling is so high, and then we're going to either pick out a fantastic chandelier or a better ceiling fan with a light.